
Our send to all model

Why you should use it

Our send to all model enables us to send email communications campaigns to all your employees’ business email addresses on your behalf. It makes it easy for you to engage your staff with your scheme. No need for you to be hands on with communicating regularly enough about your employee savings platform or to cause yourself a headache. You can drive those employee wellbeing outcomes with little effort from you and your teams.

It really is effective at engaging staff!

For eCommerce (remember your savings platform is one!), email marketing has the highest return on investment and over 30% of revenue is attributed to that channel alone.

That’s no surprise when 59% of consumers say the emails they received influence their purchase decisions

So email marketing is the most effective tool in your toolbox to drive engagement with your employee savings scheme. That’s why subscribing all your employees to our programme is important. The engagement numbers back it up...

Show me the numbers!